Baby Thank You Cards

Since I recently had a baby, I have received so much help and assistance in so many ways! We are so blessed to have family and friends who have helped us with meals, gifts, visits, advice, and support. In order to show a little of my gratitude, I decided to make some thank you cards. I initially wanted to put baby's handprint on each card but I soon figured out that it was hard to get a newborn to open their hand long enough to place it on an ink pad let alone spread their fingers for a perfect, authentic print on every single thank you card that I wanted to make (and I wanted to make a couple dozen...)

So, I instead decided to scan the best print that I got. Although it is not perfect, I think it turned out cute.

Here are some tips for getting the best handprint from a newborn:

  • Have a partner--it is much easier with two people!
  • One person holds baby's hand while the other holds the ink pad and paper.
  • Guide baby's hand onto ink pad vertically so that the whole hand fits at once and smooth out fingers to get ink on all fingers. You may have to press firmly (which made our baby scream), but hopefully you won't have to do too many tries!
  • Have partner quickly remove ink pad and replace with paper. Press hand flat for a few seconds.

It took us about 5 tries to get a print that I liked. Then we gave up because of all of the screaming.
If you don't want to endure it, you are welcome to use my baby handprint.

Beyond that, you can have fun with it by using colored paper, scrapbooking paper, fun markers, etc. I kept it simple, but you can do what you like!



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