Nativity Advent Calendar Craft

Now that it is almost February, I figured there was no better time to finish a Christmas craft that has been sitting on my table for almost two months. But, since I am very into celebrating Christmas all year round, I thought that it wouldn't matter when I finished it, as long as I did. Hooray for finishing a craft, albeit two month late :)

This craft was inspired by a girl in my church who made these Nativity Advent Calendars for everyone that wanted one. For a full tutorial, visit her blog. She thought it all through and did most of the work--all I had to do was cut and paste. 

Since I don't have small, sharp craft scissors (like I thought I did...), cutting out all of these numbers was harder than I thought. I would try to steal away a few minutes while playing with my exuberant baby in my lap, who is still learning to sit up on her own. After some frustrating episodes of messing up and feeling like my needy baby always required all of my attention, I came upon this sight:

And I was reminded once again of what is really important. It did not matter that it was taking me forever to cut out numbers and make the craft look cute if what was really important was loving my baby and treating her as the Savior would. 

This past Christmas season was a special one for me because I thought a lot about the condescension of Jesus Christ and how he actually came to earth as a baby. Having recently become a mother and realizing the love, care, and attention babies really need, I have a profound respect and admiration for Jesus's earth parents. 

How amazing is it that the whole world changed because of a perfect baby boy? It never ceases to amaze me. I am grateful for the frequent reminders of Him in my life. It is why I love celebrating Christmas, play Christmas music all year round, keep up the Christmas tree all year round, and frequently read the story of Jesus's birth in my scripture study. It all reminds me of the Savior. And for as forgetful as I am, I need all of the reminders I can get. 

I hope that even though Christmas has passed, that in this season I can still remember what is most important.



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