Travis's Zucchini Bread

The first time that Travis made this recipe I think I ate an entire loaf myself! This stuff is good! I could probably eat this everyday of my life and not get tired of it. Because of the amount of sugar, it comes off pretty sweet, but the moistness (is that a word?) is balanced perfectly between the oil, zucchini, and carrots. We love to make a few loaves of this and take it on car trips to eat or plan to eat for breakfast when we camp.

I am always so impressed with Travis's ability to make up recipes. He usually likes to just throw things together and when it is amazing afterward, I ask, "How did you cook that?" And he will say, "Oh, I just added this and this together." I will ask for a recipe (I love a good recipe) and he will say, "Oh, I don't know exactly how much of everything I added, I just sort of did it." But, he has been kind enough to start writing down the things he is making so that I can recreate them.

I am definitely a recipe maker when it comes to cooking and baking. I like being able to recreate the same thing every time and be confident that it is good. On the one hand this is great because most things I attempt can be good when following the recipe, but on the other hand, if the recipe is bad, I don't catch it until it is too late because I don't have that intuition.

Travis is a recipe inventor. He loves to make up recipes and try new things. He takes recipes he has never made before and changes them as he is cooking and knows by looking at a recipe if it will be good or what he can do to make it better. This means that sometimes he makes AMAZING food! But, when he gets too adventurous he sometimes makes some interesting food...haha. So I guess there are some trade offs to our respective cooking styles.

Travis would only give this recipe 4 stars because he thinks he can improve it to be even better and to come out more consistent every time, but I think it is 5 stars! Like I said before, I could eat all three loaves by myself!

This recipe takes a little bit longer to make because you have to prep the zucchini and carrots. Two and a half cups of zucchini usually comes out to 2 medium-sized store bought zucchinis. For the carrots, I usually use 2 medium sized carrots and peel and dice them. I put 3 or 4 teaspoons of cinnamon and 5 or 6 teaspoons of vanilla extract because we usually love cinnamon and vanilla in all of the things, but you can choose what your preference is.

Tips and Tricks:

Use a mixer on the wet ingredients and add dry ingredients a half a cup at a time to get even mixture before adding zucchini and carrots.

When we use our mixer after adding zucchini and carrots, it really fills it up! So, use a rubber spatula to make sure everything is even throughout the batter before pouring into the bread pans.

When I say grease those pans, I really mean grease them! I use Crisco and just lather it on and put a little flour in to help the bread come out easy.

Be vigilant while baking! I usually start checking every five minutes after 55 minutes in the oven. Make sure a toothpick comes out completely clean before removing from the oven. I usually poke a few different spots because it has happened that I thought it was evenly cooked throughout only to cut later and see part of the top wasn't cooked all the way through!

Allow time to for breads to cool on their sides in the pans before trying to remove them.




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